Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Keluarlah dari sarang anda

Keluarlah dari sarang persembunyian anda. Agak pelik bunyi ayat ini setelah agak lama saya tidak menulis. Maaflah, keadaan menjadi saya agak sibuk dan kadang kala sengaja menyibuk diri.

Kumpulan ejensi perunding saya sedang berkembang. Ramai yang memerlukan saya dalam banyak hal. Barangkali itulah yang menjadikan saya tidak sempat untuk menulis.

Ramai perunding baru yang berjumpa saya bertanyakan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan pelanggan yang melabur tidak putus-putus. Sebenarnya banyak teknik-teknik yang digunakan oleh perunding-perunding yang berjaya mendapatkan pelanggan yang tidak pernah putus. Jika saya katakan pelanggan yang sentiasa datang tidak putus-putus, ia mungkin bohong. Jadi biarlah saya katakan jualan yang sentiasa ada atau jualan bulanan yang stabil.

Biar saya cerita tentang dua perkara sahaja.
Pertama teknik satu kali tiga. Atau lebih mudah satu pelanggan mendatangkan 3 pelanggan baru kepada anda.

Contoh jika anda bertemu seorang pelanggan, sama ada dia melabur atau tidak, jangan lupa tanyakan sekurang-kurang 3 orang rakan, saudara atau sesiapa sahaja yang di kenal dan berkemungkinan berminat untuk mengetahui produk anda. Dapatkan nama dan nombor telefonnya.

Dan jangan simpan nama dan nombor telefon itu. Cuba hubungi mereka secepat yang mungkin. Jangan malu untuk ceritakan produk yang anda ada. Jika anda lakukan perkara ini anda akan terkejut hasilnya cukup berbaloi.

Kedua, cuba mula perbualan dengan pekedai tempat yang biasa anda masuk atau kawasan yang anda tidak pernah pergi sebelum ini. Ceritakan produk simpanan dan pelaburan anda. Jika produk anda ditolak, cuba pula di kedai atau premis sebelah. Biar saya katakan belum ramai masyarakat ini yang tahu mengenai pelaburan public mutual. Anda akan dapati hasilnya cukup hebat. Sekali anda menemui orang yang sanggup mendengar apa yang anda bawa/jual, ulangi kaedah pertama di atas. Dapatkan nama dan nombor telefon kenalannya pula. Saya percaya anda tidak akan menyesal. Hasilnya akan menjadi anda lebih berani dan bersemangat.

Cuma satu pesanan saya, kebiasaanya kita tidak dapat buat 'closing' dengan hanya berjumpa sekali ataupung meninggalkan borang kosong kepada mereka. Jadi dapatkan peluang ke dua untuk berjumpa mereka lagi. Berjumpalah mereka atas apa sahaja alasan yang anda ada. Bina hubungan dan kepercayaan di antara anda dan pelanggan.

Jadi, kenapa masih tunggu lagi. Dari pengalaman saya, jika anda tidak pergi berjumpa bakal pelanggan, perunding lain akan pergi berjumpa mereka. Jangan biarkan bertangguh menjadi tabiat anda.

Slice and Dice the Task: by Brian Tracy

Why You Procrastinate
A major reason for procrastinating on big, important tasks is that they appear so large and formidable when you first approach them. One technique that you can use to cut a big task down to size is the "Salami slice" method of getting work done. With this method, you lay out the task in detail and then resolve to do just one slice of the job for the time being, like eating a roll of salami, one slice at a time. Or like eating one piece of a frog at a time.

Do One Small Part to Start
Psychologically, you will find it easier to do a single, small piece of a large project than to start on the whole job. Often, once you have started and completed a single part of the job, you will feel like doing just one more "slice." Soon, you will find yourself working through the job one part at a time, and before you know it, the job will be completed.

Just Get Started
Once you start working, you develop a sense of forward momentum and a feeling of accomplishment. You become energized and excited. You feel yourself internally motivated and propelled to keep going until the task is complete.

Action Exercises
Now, here are two actions you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, select one big important task and lay it out in front of you.

Second, select one part of the task and do it immediately.

Programming Yourself for Success. By Brian Tracy

Your mission statement is always written in the present tense, as though you have already become the person that you have described. It is always positive rather than negative. And it is always personal.

Program Yourself Correctly

Your subconscious mind can only accept your mission statement as a set of commands when you phrase it in the present, positive and personal tenses. "I am an exceptional salesperson," is a perfect example. After every sales call, you should quickly reread your mission statement and ask yourself if your recent behavior was more like the person you want to be, or less? As a top sales performer, you are always comparing your sales activities against a high standard and adjusting your activities upward. You're continually striving to be better. Every day in every way, you are deliberately working to become more like the ideal person you have envisioned.

Determine Your Mission Statement
Your goal is that, a year from today, when one of your customers has lunch with one of your prospects, and your prospect asks your customer to describe you in detail as a salesperson, your customer will recite your business mission statement voluntarily. The way you have treated your customer will have been so exemplary that your customer will describe you in the most glowing of terms.

Compare Yourself Against Yourself
Once you have developed a mission statement like this, you can read it, review it, edit it, and upgrade it regularly. You can add additional qualities to it and more clearly define the qualities you've already listed. It becomes your personal credo, your philosophy of life, your statement of beliefs and a guide to your behavior in all your interactions with others. Each day, you can evaluate your behaviors and compare them against the standard that you have set in this statement.

Shape Your Own Personality

Over time, a remarkable thing will happen. As you read and review your personal mission statement, you will find yourself, almost unconsciously, shaping your words and conforming your behaviors so that you are more and more like the ideal person you have defined. People will notice the change in you almost immediately. Over time, you will find that you are actually creating within yourself the kind of character and personality that you most admire in others. You will have become the molder and the shaper of your own personal destiny.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, imagine that one of your customers was going to meet with one of your prospects. What would you want him to say about you? How could you behave with your customer to assure that he says these things?

Second, talk to yourself positively all the time. Feed your mind with positive messages that describe your goals and the person you want to be.